Go Plant-Based With The Humble, Hearty, Do-Everything-With-Anything Bowl - Daiya Foods, Deliciously Dairy-Free Cheeses, Meals & More

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Plant-Based Living

Go Plant-Based With The Humble, Hearty, Do-Everything-With-Anything Bowl

Posted on April 22, 2019

Is it a coincidence that “bowl” rhymes with “whole”? Probably not, because there are a whole bunch of delicious possibilities for even the most humble bowl. In fact, the full potential of plant-based living is on display with the creative combinations of flavors, textures and nutrition that bowls offer.

Right now—with ingredients you already have in your pantry, refrigerator and freezer—you probably have the makings an amazing bowl for today and maybe for the rest of the week. That partial bag of quinoa in the pantry? It’s ready in 15 minutes, and you can steam those frozen veggies and edamame from the freezer in the meantime. Or is it summertime and fresh veggies are on-hand? You win either way. Oh, and let’s see. There’s a can of black beans in the pantry. Top with some shreds from our Cutting Board Collection, and toss with a light salad dressing. Toasted walnuts? Presto! Dinner is served.

The basic idea, of course, is to create a well-balanced, all-in-one meal.

How to Make a Plant-Based Bowl

Step 1: Start with a grain or starch, maybe over greens.

Step 2: Add a mix of veggies, fruit and plant-based proteins like beans, nuts and your favorite dairy-free cheezes or yogurt alternatives from Daiya.

Step 3: Try a burst of flavor like olives, marinated roasted red peppers or fresh herbs. You can even grow them yourself in a sunny windowsill.

Step 4: Don’t forget a splash of your favorite dressing and maybe something crunchy on top like sunflower seeds or carrot shreds.

Daiya’s contributions to your bowl-making wizardry run the complete range from sweet to savory and back again, from fruity and plain Coconut Cream Yogurt Alternatives to shreds and blocks.

Are you beguiled by bowls yet, hungering for that first forkful of plant-based goodness? We are! Build the perfect bowl today, and let your creativity flow in new and delicious ways.

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